What is Maxmo?

Maxmo is a small municipality in Finland.


Two thirds of the area is water and there is a very beautiful archipelago here.

Maxmo is situated about 30 km north from Vasa (Vaasa) at the western coast of Finland.


The poulation is about 1,100 people. Formerly all the people were peasants and fishermen, but that isn't true anymore. Nowadays many people live here and work outside the municipality. There isn't very much industry here, almost only Alucar, which produces aluminium products. Almost everyone speaks Swedish, and both the schools are Swedish, too.

Sights in Maxmo:


The memorial of the ship S/S Equity symbolizes an interesting part of the history of Finland. From S/S Equity, 80 tons of weapons were landed at the shore in Storsandviken in the autumn of 1917. The weapons were going to be used in the battle for freedom.

The Church

The church is perhaps the most beatutiful building in Maxmo. It was built in 1824 and is placed very idyllic in the middle of the village Maxmo.

Tottesunds Herrgård

(The manor of Tottesund)

Formerly Tottesunds Herrgård was the height of luxury for the peasants and crofters in Maxmo. The manor with parks and avenues was built in the 17th century and today it is the city hall of Maxmo.

Educational Services

Maxmo Kyrkoby Lågstadieskola

(Maxmo Central Primary School)

There are about 50 students from ages 7 to 12 in Maxmo Kyrkoby Lågstadieskola. The teachers and pupils use Macintosh Computers in their work, and they have created their own World Wide Web page, too.

Särkimo Lågstadieskola

(Särkimo Primary School)

Särkimo Lågstadieskola is a bit smaller than Maxmo Kyrkoby Lågstadieskola. It is beautifully situated at the shore.

Maxmo Kommunbibliotek

(Maxmo Municipal Library)

The Municipal Library - It's not very big, but it's the only library we have!

Vörå-Oravais-Maxmo Högstadium

(Vörå-Oravais-Maxmo Secondary School)

VOM Secondary School is not really in Maxmo, it's situated in Vörå, a neighbour-municipality in the south, but all children from Maxmo in ages 13-15 have to go there, because the educational system is a joint between the three municipalities Vörå, Maxmo and Oravais.

Meat & Drink

Café Grillhörnan - "Wild West"

Café Grillhörnan serves grilled dishes, pizza and hamburgers. Café Grillhörnan is situated in the middle of the village Maxmo, near the post office and the bank (Kvevlax Sparbank).

Café Klemetsgårdarna

(Open At Summer-time Only)

Café Klemetsgårdarna is not only a café, it's also one of the sights in Maxmo. There is a Motorcycle museum, and there are also markets, for example on the 1st of May. Café Klemetsgårdarna is situated in Kärklax, near the national highway.


Self-Service Shops

There are three Self-Service food shops at various places in Maxmo.

This web page was created by Petter Sandvik (age 14) with a Macintosh LC 630 in November 1995.
Petter Sandvik
Vassorvägen 37
FIN-66640 Maxmo, Finland